Joegoslavische oorlog

(1) Div., “Manifest – Krant van de Nieuwe Communistische Partij” 7 mei, Stichting HOC 2024 – Redactie, “25 years since NATO intervention in Yugoslavia”; “The criminal bombings of the US, NATO and EU in Yugoslavia lasted 78 days in 1999, 25 years ago. This imperialist intervention cost the lives of thousands of innocent people, led to the further division of Yugoslavia and a plummet in the standard of living of the population in the region. // The pretext for the imperialist intervention was ethnic and religious tensions, which the US and EU themselves had stirred up. But this intervention was essentially nothing more than the next step in the plans of Euro-Atlantic capital. It wanted to consolidate its influence in former socialist countries after the counter-revolutions and the division of the Soviet Union. The division of Yugoslavia was necessary for the EU, NATO and the US, especially after the now capitalist Russia appeared unwilling to give up its economic and political influence in the Balkans.

(2) Passim: In the early 1990s, the Balkans were not seen as a major priority by the US. The Balkans were initially of interest to European capitalist states, especially Germany, but also France and Great Britain. The monopolies of those countries saw opportunities in the Balkans for exporting capital, extracting raw materials and other economic activity. For German capital, the Balkans represented an opening to the Mediterranean and beyond. // Under the influence of various factors, nationalist elements emerged in Yugoslavia from the 1980s onwards. These were fueled by the EU and NATO countries by supporting nationalist groups and setting up provocations. In socialist Yugoslavia, the various peoples had lived together peacefully for decades and there were more than 3 million mixed families. Provocations were therefore necessary to divide the population, stir up nationalism and sow hatred. For example, German and Hungarian mercenaries were deployed from Germany to kill Muslims in Yugoslavia wearing Serbian uniforms.

(3) Passim: These developments took place in a context in which the Yugoslav economy was weakening. Particularly after Tito's death, Yugoslavia took loans from international capitalist institutions, implemented measures that led to the restoration of capitalist elements in the economy, and a new bourgeoisie began to emerge. The Yugoslav economy fell into crisis, which is a fertile ground for nationalist tendencies, although this would not have led to the wars and bloody division of Yugoslavia without imperialist provocations and intervention. // In December 1991, Germany, France and the United Kingdom were the first to recognize the breakaway Croatia and Slovenia. As the situation in the Balkans destabilized and German and European capital became more mixed, the attitude of the US, which wanted to have the upper hand on the international stage and control over developments in the Balkans, changed. For example, the US took the lead by organizing air strikes from NATO during the earlier war in 1995.

(4) Passim: In early 1999, Madeleine Albright, then US Secretary of State, demanded that the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milošević, allow NATO forces to be deployed to ensure 'peace' and 'stability'. In doing so, she revealed the real reason for the intervention that would follow. // On March 24, 1999, NATO's war against Yugoslavia began. 59 NATO bases in twelve countries were used to carry out more than 2,300 bombing raids in eleven weeks with 1,150 NATO aircraft. 420,000 rockets and bombs were fired. 37,000 bombs prohibited by international law. Thousands of bombs contain enriched uranium. // 1,002 soldiers of the Yugoslav army were killed. But most deaths occurred among the unarmed population. More than 3,000 civilians (30 percent of whom were children) were killed. 12,500 people were injured, including 2,700 children. Hundreds of thousands had to flee and millions were sentenced to a life of absolute poverty. // The material damage is estimated at more than 100 billion dollars. More than 25,000 buildings were bombed. Bridges and roads were razed to the ground, fourteen airports were destroyed, a third of the power stations and almost all industry were bombed. But bombings were also carried out on 305 schools and educational institutions, hospitals and maternity wards, monasteries, refugee camps and even cemeteries. The bombings caused enormous damage to the environment. The bombs containing enriched uranium had consequences for the health of the local population for years to come.

(6) Passim: The bloody NATO intervention led to massive protests and solidarity with the Yugoslav people all over the world. // The war ended after negotiations between American and Serbian officers. UN Security Council Decision 1244 essentially legalized the NATO intervention. Kosovo was founded as a new “country,” which essentially served as nothing more than a US protectorate, where Camp Bondsteel was formed. The largest US military base abroad, as the US demanded prior to NATO intervention.”

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