Klassiek traditie, filosofie, Byzantium

(1) A.J. van der Aalst, “Byzantinisme en Orientalisme in de Oosterse theologie”, Dekker & van de Vest 1967; “The first encounter of the Christian faith with the philosophy of Aristotle already took place in the 4th century. But because of the misuse of Eunomian rationalism, which thought that Aristotelian thought forms a framework for placing the deity in the royal lists, the Cappadocians rebelled against it. Although he did not shy away from syllogism, one of them warned Gregorius an Nazianze that the gospel should not be preached as peripatetics but as fishermen. Both Leontius of Byzantium and Johannes Philoponos seek a new interpretation of Christology and traditions using Aristotelian formulae. Their work shows the transitional phenomena from patristics to scholastics. John of Damascus devotes the first chapter of his “Source of Knowledge” to philosophical questions on which the rest of his work has been counted. Not without reason was written on his grave at Mar Sabbas, ‘Father of scholastic theology’. In his Mystagogues, a treatise on the phenomena of St. Spirit, Photius usually uses the testimonies of the Scriptures and the Fathers also uses syllogical proofs.”

Racisme, 19e eeuw

(1) Sarah Scheepers, “Marx, Tegen Racisme”, Marxistische Zomer Universiteit online 9-8-2020; * Er is gen kleur nodig voor racisme. Reeds inde 19e eeuw en daarna werden de Ieren door de Engelsen als een minderwaardig ras aangezien. De opkomende bourgeoisie vond aan de lopende band rassen uit.