Opbouw socialisme, Moraal

(1) Div. “Grundlagen des Marxismus-Leninismus – Lehrbuch“, Dietz 1963; “The attention that the working masses devote themselves to the fact that more and more people work communistically is particularly significant for our time. Of that time, the movement of the brigades of communist work that is developing in the Soviet Union, which makes this their task. / At the same time, this movement also has no other aim to learn to live communistically! To live in such a way that the relationships in life, in the family, in daily dealings with other people meet the harsh requirements of communistice moral. This slogan expresses that the members of society themselves ensure that the communist way of life is implemented as quickly as possible. / The reform program of the CPSU defines the ethical principles that dictate the moral code of the builders of communism, as follows: loyalty to the cause of communism, love to the socialist homeland, to the countries of socialism: conscientious work to the whoe of society: who does not work should not eat either; / Everyone cares about the preservation and enhancement of social property; / high social sense of duty, intolerance for offenses against social interests; / Collective and comradely mutual help: one for all, all for one; / humane behavior and mutual respect for people: man is man's friend, friend and brother; / Honesty and love of truth, moral sourness, privacy and modesty in social and personal life; / mutual respect in the family, care for the upbringing of children; Irreconcilability towards injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, nerdism and greed; / Friendship and brotherhood of all oilers of the USSR, intolerance towards national strife and turf disputes; / Irreconcilability towards the enemies of communism, peace and freedom of nations; / Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples. /

(2) Passim: The moral principles of communism therefore also include the basic general human moral norms which the vocal masses have developed in their long struggle against social bondage and moral decay. These norms, which have been distorted to the point of being unrecognizable or shamelessly trampled underfoot, make communism into incontrovertible rules of life for relationships between people. Of course, the revolutionary morality of the working class has particularly great significance for the moral development of society, including norms such as collective spirit and camaraderie mutual help in struggle and in work, brotherly solidarity with all peoples, high social sense of duty and irreconcilability against oppressors, against social injustice and parasitism . / The communist morality puts the remnants of capitalism in the life wheat, in the consciousness and in the habits of the people. These bits and pieces are much more durable than socialism to communism, but the remnants of the past in the consciousness and actions of the people must be completely overcome. / And this task is set by the program of the CPSU. The fight against outrages of bourgeois ideology and morals, against the remnants of private property mentalism, against antagonism and prejudice is seen in the program as an integral part of communist education. It is clear, for example, that the education of workers in the spirit of foundation and brotherhood of the peoples, of proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism is unthinkable without a persistent struggle against the ideology of reactionary bourgeois nationalism, racism and cosmopolitanism. If one wants to educate people to a communist working attitude, to the collective spirit, to the respect of the social duty of the social property and to a social conscience of duty, one will only be successful if one raises the consciousness, one will only then succeed if one the individualism , de overcomes the private owner mentality and the desire to live at the expense of society. One must educate the masses of the scientific-materialistic world view in order to overcome religious prejudices. This requires patient education that must not offend the feelings of believers. /

(3) Passim: The worst remnants of the past, especially those leading to crime and legal violations, also require administrative measures; But the influence of the general public, public opinion, the development of criticism and self-criticism are gradually becoming the most important means of overcoming them. The enormous educational importance of the good example in social and personal life and in fulfilling social obligations. Indeed, the closer we get to communism, the greater the demands of society on its citizens, of their behavior in production, of publicity in the family and as a whole as well. But these demands are, as you know, more and more on the methods based on moral influence and conviction and not on administrative measures. That is why the moral principles become more and more important in the transition to communism; they are the basis for the conscious self-discipline of the citizens, which leads to the consolidation and development of the basic rules of communist community life. / The focus of the education of the new person is shifting more and more directly to the collective. The social practice of the socialist countries has already shown that the most effective means in the struggle against egoism and individualism, as the main opponents of communal morality, is to oppose them with a share of collectivism. Collectivism, just as much as humanism, corresponds most closely to the ideal of communists, because it sets active concern for social welfare as the highest norm of behavior. At the same time it corresponds most closely to the interests of the individual personality, because it leads to the development of the highest human qualities. / It is for this very reason that the Communist Party attaches decisive importance to educational work in the basic organization of the party, the trade unions, the Komsomol and in the pioneer organization as well as in the labor collectives - that is, where people are directly active. The socialist Collective has an extremely strong influence and, if necessary, is able to uneducate even seemingly incorrigible people and turn them into useful members of society.

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