Geschiedenis, WOII, Samenzwering 1944

(1) Div., “Zur Vorgeschichte der Verschwörung vom 20. Juli 1944“, Verlag des Ministeriums für Nationale Verteidigung 1960; “ The influential German business circles behind the Goerdeler-Beck Group, which had been closely intertwined with the international financial capital for years, linked the actions and connections of the bourgeois opposition and inspired their plans and programs. / When the Gestapo killed the conspiracy after the failed coup and almost all participants were executed, their backers from the big bourgeoisie remained almost without exception alive. Insofar as they had been arrested at all, they were soon released again or at least treated mildly at the objection of the fascist armaments minister Speer, who considered them indispensable in the armaments industry. They play a decisive role in West Germany again today. / Finally, as the leading representative of German and international finance capital, former Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schact has to be named, who, as is well known, had arranged for the financing of German rearmament together with Popitz. Schacht was a mastermind and conspirator rolled into one. But he knew how to stay in the background, so that he could jump off in time later. Schacht has good connections to heavy industry - especially to the Reusch district and to banking capital in Germany. He also had connections to British and American financial circles and politicians through the 'Bank for International Settlements' and through the Abwehr. (2) Passim: Closely connected with the conservative conspiratorial circles around Goerdeler, who mainly represented the Interessen of large parts of German finance capital, were leading representatives of the German large-scale agrarians, who grouped around von Kleist-Schmenzin, von Zitzewitz-muttrin and Count Dohna-Tolksorf. Characteristic of their class interests and thus of the character of the conspiracy are the efforts of the monarchy for restoration, which were intended to secure participation in political power for the nobility. Even right-wing Social Democrats within the conspiracy agreed to these plans at the beginning of the war. / Up until the summer of 1944, the plans and programs of the reactionary majority of the conspirators never gave up the effort to restore the monarchy in Germany. While the conservative aristocratic and literary circles advocated a Hohenzollern hereditary monarchy, the Anglo-phile politicians in the conspiracy, as well as Schacht and Popitz, advocated a constitutional kingship based on the English model. The defense agent and former associate Henry Ford, the crown prince's son Louis Ferdinand, was designated as the pretender to the throne. / Influential officials of the Foreign Office were also among the leading Gremium of the conspirators, in the first place the Secretary of State von Weizsäcker, as well as the two leading diplomats Eric and Theo Kordt, who had extensive connections to politically and economically leading crises in England and the USA. They were both members of the Hitler fascist espionage and diplomatic dinners and members of the leading reactionary group of conspirators.(3) Passim: Reactionary Christian circles from both confessions played a large part in the conspiracy, such as the lawyer Dr. Wirner [formerly the center tower], the former Reichsernähurngsminister Dr. Hermes, the former state president of Württemberg Dr. Bolz, Bishop Graf Gahlen [Münster] and Bishop Dibelius, who blessed the Hindenburg-Hitler Pact in 1933 and is now an avid supporter of NATO. / In addition, the Goerdeler Group had contacts to the top of the Christian trade unions, for example Jakob Kaiser. These circles encouraged the honest opposition of many simple Christians to the Hitler regime in the service of the conspirators and at the same time give Goerdeler's reactionary post-war plans a Christian facade. These are the same forces that bless Adenauer's politics and his inhumane nuclear war course today. Finally, the Goerdeler group was also joined by a notorious Nazis, including the police president of Berlin, Graff Helldorf, one of the initiators of the Reichstag fire, and the ministerial director and SS group leader Nebe, head of the Reich Criminal Police Office and temporarily head of one of the SS notorious for mass murder -Individual groups in the Soviet Union. ... 
(4) Passim: The Kreisau circle of the Anglophile Count J. Moltke, an employee in the Abwehr’s foreign department, played a strange role in 1942/43. This group was composed of representatives of various political views. His program was Christian, although the basic tendency was Christian. Although the basic tendency remained Christian reactionary, the program showed progress towards the goals of Goerdeler and Beck. Therefore, at a meeting in 1943, the supporters of the Kreisau Circle did not come to an agreement with the Goerdeler Circle Formerly the Kreisauers were conservative and liberal representatives of large estates, civil servants, diplomacy, liberal professions as well as representatives of both churches and the Jesuits. In addition to right-wing social democrats who pacted with the reactionary majority, he also owned a group of progressive intellectuals around the social democrat Professor Reichwein and Dr. Leber who later established relationships with the Stauffenberg district. “

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